"Automating Microsoft Server application migrations
~ globally with zero human interaction."
Zaptz EzySnap products automate application migrations. Zero documentation or application source is required to instantly migrate server applications with less risk and more control. Zaptz products and services save up to 50% in application migrations, software packaging / software virtualisation costs and deployment time. Never research, script, document or configure an application again. Find out more about our product and services below.
EzySnap Application Migration Zaptz Ezysnap Server enables you to automatically migrate your 2003 and 2008 Server applications to any other Server platform including 2012 R2 / Server 2016.
EzyApp Packaging & VirtualisationZaptz EzyApp saves you time and money by automating the discovery, conversion, packaging or virtualisation of multiple applications for automated deployment right across the globe.
Application Readiness EvaluationZaptz also evaluate individual applications or whole software portfolios providing: